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Дата 07.05.2010 21:47:55 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Фотографии; Версия для печати

вроде нашелся ответ !

Есть такой диплом или скорее PhD 88 г, где бои конца декабря 11 тд описаны по документам.


Я тупо ткнул поиском на камрада Лестман и вот сразу такой кусочек мне выскочил.

By early afternoon the spearhead of the 1 th Panzer Division was in heavy
contact on its way to Tatsinskaya. At 1340 Pz.Rgt.15 reported fighting 15 enemy
tanks vicinity hill 175.16 This is the hill where the Russian Corps Commander assembled
his entire force and which became the center of the cauldron in which his
Corps was destroyed. The Panzer Regiment had 20 Mark I11, 3 Mark IV, and 3
command tanks (Befehlspanzer ) involved in the fight. They destroyed 5 enemy
tanks, but lost 4 Mark Ills. Whether the German tanks were destroyed or lost to
mechanical problems is not clear. 164
This was Christmas eve. Although the division was in the thick of battle, Balck
found the opportunity so send a solemn message to his soldiers, although it was by
radio. "The Division reflects on this holy night on its brave soldiers."165
Later that evening (2110) Russian forces attacked the bridgehead set up across
the Kalitva, but they were unsuccessful. Gruppe Lestmann was ordered to come to
the aid of the bridgehead. The battle raged until at least midnight.' 66
During the next two days, 25 and 26 December 1942, the rest of the division
closed the ring around the XXIVth Russian Tank Corps.

В общем-то я давненнько не читал длинных текстов на английском :)), ув. Жур попробуйте вы тоже разобраться. Ну а карта БД на р. Чир будет такая:


Так что это были танки 5ТА скорее всего: Обливская, Тацинская.. мне это мало что говорит !

Но постараюсь прочитать :)